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Hotel Dispensers

Hotel DispenserHotel Dispensers
only dispense full and half cube ice.

Full and Half Cube Ice

Dispensers do not make ice.

A separate Modular Cuber Ice maker Head must be purchased.


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The most common form of ice in the commerical industry. Eighty percent of restaurants choose ice machines that make cubed ice.

Cube ice is clear and comes in various shapes —rectangular, full cube, half cube, gourment, contour, or other regular shapes. The largest dimension is about 1.25 inches (3.18 centimeters). Pieces of cube ice range in weight from 1/6 to 1/2 ounce (4.8 to 14.0 grams) and contain minimal amounts of liquid water.

Full Cube and Half Cube IceFull Cube or Half Cube

Half Cube- This smaller, easier-to-handle ice is perfect for blended drinks due to its ability to break down and create a smoother finish.
Half cube ice is easily delivered by our machines for consistent
production and works well in dispenser applications.

Dimensions: width: 3/8 in., depth: 7/8 in., height: 7/8 in.

Full Cube- As the perfect complement to any cocktail or beverage, drinks simply look and taste better with this long-lasting, classic ice
cube. Full cube ice is the most popular choice for large-volume
applications like bagging and bulk cooling.

Dimensions: width: 7/8 in., depth: 7/8 in., height: 7/8 in.

Advantages- It is slow melting and fills a glass better. This means more savings for you and a cooler, better quality drink for your customers.

Uses it for - Mixed Drinks, Carbonated dinks, Ice retailing, Salad bars, and Ice dispensing.